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about is infolinks

Written By hnf on Wednesday, 23 October 2013 | Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Infolinks is one of the programs and other alternatives to make money from blogs . If you have a blog , infolinks is the best alternative besides google adsense .

So what is infolinks ?
For those who do not know and are familiar with the program 's producer dollars simpelnya explanation is the ad text or content . So ads from infolinks that can blend with your blog content so it does not need more room to place banner ads like other programs . If there are visitors to click on the text then you get a share of the proceeds of the click, infolinks give 70 % of every visitor that clicks on the ad .

How does the payment system ?
Other advantages of the program is infolinks ad placement without consuming space on your blog . how to install it is also easy to code . one minute straight finish . If your income is enough to be drawn , you can requesting your income from this program . Infolinks currently supports payment methods as below :
Paypal Minimum payout $ 50
Payoneer Minimum payout $ 50 as well , if you can not have a list through infolinks also , ( already have ) read The Gift of fraudulent online
Wire Transfer Minimum payout $ 400 of his fee of $ 25 . Wire transfer is a payment because it's most convenient fit directly into our bank account .
Please you want to select and use a payment method which , choose whatever you like . If your income is greater than infolinks should use a wire transfer , it seems to me . For the Indonesian-language blogs infolinks is still not supported, this may cause g to approve my blog , If you are using blogger and wordpress they still receive the notes in English .
Good luck , may be useful


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